Full Book Mockup:
Miss Brill
Illustrated Children's Book
Spring 2023
For my final project of college, I was tasked with creating an illustrated project based
on an existing narrative. I knew I wanted to create children's book after my work with Birches, and push it further. I designed a skeleton of the book, working on text and image placement, then worked on illustrating. I worked analog, using techniques and media I had become comfortable with, and pushing myself to use them in new ways. I worked between the skeleton book and the images always, making sure to place completed images and rework either the design or illustration of the page and spread.
Another important aspect of this book to me was the story itself. While finding a story,
I looked hard to find one reflective of children's media I was familiar with. To me, Miss Brill suited this well with its fun imagery, and playful, yet meaningful message.
Through this project, I got to see the importance of design and illustration as a unit. They inform each other and one cannot come before the other because they are equally important. Learning this by actively working on producing a children’s book was an incredible learning experience, and something I know I can continue to use in future work.